Universal Cup Judging System

Universal Cup

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ucup-team173 Avatar

口嗨战神 (Binyang Jiang, Dayu Wang, Hejun Dong)




Beihang University


Asia East


Authored Problems:0 problem


Virtual Participations:25 contests

NameStart time
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 27: London2025-03-16 12:05:37
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 18: Southeastern Europe2025-03-08 12:59:26
The 2020 ICPC World Finals - Moscow2024-12-14 13:38:26
The 2021 ICPC World Finals - Dhaka2024-12-11 13:44:22
The 2023 ICPC World Finals Luxor2024-12-08 13:07:46
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 15: Macau2024-12-04 12:56:26
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 21: Delft2024-12-01 12:45:11
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 8: Guilin2024-12-01 12:41:55
Petrozavodsk Summer 2020. Day 5. JAG Summer 2019+2024-11-20 14:09:03
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 16: Nanjing2024-11-17 13:06:20
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 14: Harbin2024-10-30 14:32:08
Petrozavodsk Summer 2023. Day 2. Nyatl Contest 20232024-10-23 12:49:13
2021-2022 ICPC Asia Pacific - Seoul Regional2024-10-16 13:00:32
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 8: Cangqian2024-10-13 12:16:15
The 2nd Universal Cup Semifinals2024-09-28 13:18:21
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 0: Trial Contest2024-06-24 14:17:24
The 2020 ICPC Asia Macau Regional Contest2024-03-24 11:47:59
第八届中国大学生程序设计竞赛总决赛(CCPC Final 2022)2024-03-16 12:23:49
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 20: Ōokayama2024-03-09 14:02:22
The 2022 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Contest2024-03-09 13:19:23
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 13: Shenyang2024-01-11 12:38:27
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 17: Jinan2024-01-10 09:35:16
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 12: Hefei2023-12-07 18:25:40
The 2022 ICPC Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC 2022)2023-12-01 13:57:34
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 6: Warsaw2023-11-26 13:16:02