Universal Cup Judging System

Universal Cup

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PhantomThreshold Avatar

Phantom Threshold (Jiachen Tang, Changdong Li, Weinuo Li)




Zhejiang University


Asia East


Authored Problems:0 problem


Virtual Participations:56 contests

NameStart time
The 2019 ICPC Moscow Regional Contest2024-09-14 13:44:18
The 2022 ICPC World Finals Luxor2024-09-12 14:27:16
Petrozavodsk Summer 2019. Day 6. MIPT Contest2024-09-09 14:09:46
2018-2019 ICPC - North American Invitational Programming Contest 20182024-09-07 13:55:28
ACM-ICPC World Finals 2015 - Marrakesh2024-09-05 13:58:17
ACM-ICPC World Finals 2016 - Phuket2024-09-03 14:12:24
Petrozavodsk Summer 2021. Day 6. XJTU Contest, GP of XJTU2024-09-01 13:25:14
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 19: Estonia2024-08-31 13:05:34
The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 7: Warsaw2024-08-28 13:38:40
第五届中国大学生程序设计竞赛 厦门站(CCPC 2019 Xiamen Site)2024-08-04 13:00:02
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 26: Latin America2024-07-15 13:18:22
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 21: Delft2024-07-10 13:11:12
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 27: India2024-07-09 13:03:07
The 2023 ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest2024-07-07 13:30:56
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 28: Chengdu2024-07-05 13:34:17
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 18: Dolgoprudny2024-07-04 13:21:50
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 24: Chongqing2024-06-28 13:09:27
The 2023 ICPC Northwestern Russia Regional Contest2024-01-11 13:20:46
2023 北京市大学生程序设计竞赛2024-01-10 11:41:54
The 2021 ICPC Polish Collegiate Programming Contest (AMPPZ 2021)2024-01-05 19:01:07
Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 20222024-01-04 18:52:57
Petrozavodsk Winter 2023. Day 4: KAIST+KOI Contest, Grand Prix of Korea2024-01-03 18:47:17
Petrozavodsk Summer 2019. Day 9. MEX Foundation Contest2023-12-28 18:22:01
The 2023 ICPC Asia Seoul Regional Contest2023-12-27 18:10:38
The 2023 ICPC Asia Yokohama Regional Contest2023-12-22 18:06:03
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 10: Harbin2023-12-21 17:52:57
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 14: Southeastern Europe2023-12-20 19:28:49
Petrozavodsk Summer 2020. Day 3. Songyang Chen Contest2023-11-08 18:11:03
The 2023 ICPC East Central NA Regional Contest2023-11-02 17:51:28
2019-2020 ICPC North America Championship2023-11-01 17:37:26
Petrozavodsk Summer 2019. Day 1. Songyang Chen Contest 22023-10-19 17:38:02
CCPC 2023 秦皇岛 / Universal Cup Stage Qinhuangdao; Early Access2023-10-18 18:22:47
Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 20212023-10-15 13:35:06
The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 4: Taipei2023-10-11 17:48:31
2020-2021 ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest2023-10-06 13:00:21
The 2022 ICPC Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC 2022)2023-10-05 13:01:29
ICPCCamp 2017. Day 5. Yandex Cup 20172023-10-04 13:00:18
The 2022 ICPC Asia Jinan Regional Contest2023-09-21 18:12:49
ICPCCamp 2016. Day 5(6). SPb SU and SPb AU Contest2023-09-14 17:43:53
ICPCCamp 2016. Day 6(7). Moscow SU Trinity Contest2023-09-13 17:24:36
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 10: Zhejiang2023-09-12 17:25:50
2022-2023 ICPC Asia Pacific - Yokohama Regional2023-09-09 13:38:39
Petrozavodsk Winter 2023. Day 2: GP of ainta2023-09-08 17:36:45
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 22: Shaanxi2023-09-06 17:26:45
2022-2023 ICPC North America Championship2023-09-05 17:37:43
第八届中国大学生程序设计竞赛总决赛(CCPC Final 2022)2023-09-01 17:53:37
Petrozavodsk Winter 2023. Day 7: Gennady Korotkevich Contest 72023-08-31 14:26:38
Petrozavodsk Winter 2023. Day 6: Um_nik mod 998 244 353 Contest2023-08-30 14:30:14
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 12: Ōokayama2023-08-22 14:45:02
The 2018 ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest2023-08-21 13:47:41
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 5: Osijek2023-08-18 13:33:25
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 4: Ukraine2023-08-16 14:03:07
The 2022 ICPC Polish Collegiate Programming Contest (AMPPZ 2022) 2023-08-15 13:30:10
The 1st Universal Cup. Stage 20: India2023-08-05 09:00:08
2020-2021 ICPC Asia Pacific - Jakarta Regional2023-08-02 09:01:48
The 2022 ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest0000-00-00 00:00:00