Universal Cup Judging System

Universal Cup

The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 0: Trial Contest

The contest is also known as:


標題 内容 時間



Asker When Questions
ucup-team311 2024-06-01 19:49:39
K: is the first test in this problem sample?

ucup-team087 2024-06-01 13:14:21
M: Is it possible for Ashley to skip a problem within the range?

ucup-team3099 2024-06-01 10:05:57
Sample on M doesn't satisfy the input format

回复:It has been fixed. Please reload the problem statements.
ucup-admin-3-0 2024-06-01 04:19:38
In problem H, why are there four mountains in the diagram instead of three?

回复:You can ignore the fourth mountain that is omitted for the purposes of understanding the sample, it is meant to indicate how the mountains look when edges overlap.


赛制: ICPC

  • Test full dataset
  • Scoreboard available
  • Penalty: 20 minute(s)
  • Submission limit / problem: 1000
  • Scoreboard will be frozen after 4:00:00

Virtual Contest

The virtual contest is in progress. You can start your participation.