Universal Cup Judging System

Universal Cup

Kth Sum Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#481358#9123. Kth SumYolki-palki (Vsevolod Nagibin, Denis Mustafin, Tikhon Evteev)AC ✓646ms4440kbC++143.0kb2024-07-17 05:07:08
#793635#9123. Kth SumZhaoZiLongAC ✓652ms72100kbC++233.2kb2024-11-29 21:57:19
#503707#9123. Kth SumUW1 (Tomasz Nowak, Arkadiusz Czarkowski, Bartłomiej Czarkowski)AC ✓701ms24416kbC++202.7kb2024-08-04 00:15:50
#749396#9123. Kth SumHuangHanShengAC ✓725ms67836kbC++201.7kb2024-11-15 00:16:36
#749394#9123. Kth SumrtgspAC ✓726ms68024kbC++201.8kb2024-11-15 00:16:02
#600811#9123. Kth SumpeterAC ✓744ms62700kbC++141.3kb2024-09-29 19:28:04
#506977#9123. Kth SumYouthful Passion Fruit (Alexander Nekrasov, Iurii Pustovalov, Alexey Vasilyev)AC ✓756ms41008kbC++172.0kb2024-08-06 05:41:13
#593670#9123. Kth Sumgyydp123_LIMAC ✓762ms84260kbC++141.8kb2024-09-27 15:26:25
#475348#9123. Kth Sum03 Slimes (Yuhao Du, Jiangqi Jiang, Kangyang Zhou)#AC ✓771ms13316kbC++201.7kb2024-07-13 14:10:29
#593217#9123. Kth SumMathew_MiaoAC ✓771ms21812kbC++232.4kb2024-09-27 12:41:21
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Score distribution

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2075150225300100970
score: 100

Prefix sum

Created with Raphaël 2.1.201252503755000
score: ≤100

Suffix sum

Created with Raphaël 2.1.201252503755000
score: ≥100